Database Relations

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    For a school project, we want to create a webservice, that’s creating an XML file with all of the created events so it can be read by an Android and IOS phone.

    Can we use the functions of the functions reference? or should we get our data out of the database? And how are the venue’s related to an event?


    I’d recommend using the available API – everything you need should be there. To query the events you can use WP_Query or eo_get_events().

    Then in producing the XML file you’ll want to display the dates of the events ( see eo_get_the_start().

    Events are just a post type – so displaying the event description is the same as displaying post content. Venues, event categories and event tags are all custom taxonomies – as such as the usual WordPress API is available to them – however, the venues also has meta data attached – so in general when dealing with venues, its best to use the available API. For categories/tags, the plug-in doesn’t provide any API as its covered by WordPress.

    If you have any other questions, just ask. Sounds like a fun project – would love to see the end result :).

    Stephen Harris
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