Is it possible to customise the recipient for booking notifications, so that notification emails are sent to an address which is different to the admin email address configured in WordPress General Settings?

I’m afraid not, but I’ll be including this in the 1.5 update.
With that update you can change admin’s email with the following:
add_filter( 'eventorganiser_admin_email', 'pixelatic_set_admin_email' );
function pixelatic_set_admin_email(){
return '';
(If you wish, in the mean time, to edit the source of the plug-in, the relevant file is includes/booking-actions.php

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
is ist also possible to send the notification emails to multiple email addresses, and if so, what to return in the before mentioned filter callback function?

Stefan Hausmann
Hi Stefan,
Yes you can, the notification e-mails are filtered by eventorganiser_booking_notification_email
. By default, it includes only the admin e-mail (which can be filtered using the code in previous comment).
add_filter( 'eventorganiser_booking_notification_email', 'my_booking_notification_email', 10, 2 );
function my_booking_notification_email( $emails, $booking_id ){
//Change $email;
return $emails;

Stephen Harris