Customise Description Passed to Stripe

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Customise Description Passed to Stripe

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years ago.

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    Hi, I need to customise the description passed to Stripe.

    I’ve found the code which handles this on line 181 of class-eo-stripe-payment-gateway.php

    $description = "Booking reference #{$booking_id} ({$email})";

    Is there a way to customise this WITHOUT making edits to the class-eo-stripe-payment-gateway.php file itself (which will be overwritten any time the Event Organiser Stripe plugin is updated)

    SRUC Webmaster

    Hi David,

    No (well, yes, but it’s not easily done), but in the next update I’ll filter the data sent to Stripe so you can change the details.

    So in the mean time, feel free to edit that file and I’ll post here with an update on how to ‘future proof’ the changes,

    Stephen Harris
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