Hope you’re well, Stephen…
We’ve got an existing site that uses EO for events, but our client now wants to be able to integrate the checkout process with Woocommerce so that customers can check out an event along with other stuff from an online shop.
I’ve had a quick look at the guts of the Stripe gateway and it looks like I might be able to use this as the basis of making a gateway that uses Woocommerce (in turn, using its own checkout procedure).
Before I get stuck in, can you see any obvious ‘gotchas’ with this?

Andrew Shankie
Hi Andrew,
I have only looked at this once, a few years ago but I never attempted to integrate the two as my client decided not to. The difficulty is in adding the booking to the WooCommerce cart.
If I recall, WooCommerce references all items in the cart by their product ID. You can’t have an item in the cart that doesn’t have a product ID. So one way you might want to consider doing this is to, when a booking is made, create a WC product which represents that booking. Ideally, this product would:
- Have the price that matches the booking
- Do not allow the user to increase the quantity
- (ideally) not be visible in the WooCommerce admin

Stephen Harris
Thanks for your reply, Stephen.
That is indeed a catch – doesn’t sound insurmountable, but I had just assumed that we’d be able to push a transaction into the WC basket that doesn’t have a SKU – a kind of ad-hoc product.
I’ll let you know if we end up doing this. I think it’s unlikely now given that we’ve already blown most of our R&D budget, but it might happen in the future.
Thanks for the input!

Andrew Shankie
I could be wrong, but from what I recall, when listing items in a cart I believe it would require each item to be a ‘Product’. That’s not to say you couldn’t simply adjust the charge amount prior to the user being sent to the gateway, but it may confuse the user.

Stephen Harris
You should definitely consider this Stephen, because then people can leverage the plugins existing for woocommerce which in turn benefits this plugin. For example, I want to be able to connect the events up to our internal accounts system, which woocommerce has a plugin for – but your events system sadly does not.

Tim Wilson