Hi Stephen, I’m sure I saw an article you wrote somewhere about custom markers per category. I’m assuming this would work for tags as well, if the only thing changing is the taxonomy? How would i go about it? I have Pro + the marker add on.

Ardin Beech
Hi Ardin,
Because the maps are associated with venues and not events there’s ambiguity about which event to use to get the appropriate category. The same is true for tags. In the article I suggested you can use the next event to happen at that venue, but it may also be possible to use the ‘current event’ (when used inside the loop) – (admittedly, I’ve not tried).
Are either of those what you were thinking?

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen, sorry the late reply; I’ve been on holidays.
My case is a little different I guess, because it’s a site for open houses, so each event is tied to venue only once: the venue being the open house address, the event being the open house time. Once it’s over, the venue is never used again, unless of course the house is listed again at a later date. So can the venue marker somehow get pulled from the event tag? (real estate agent)

Ardin Beech
Hi Ardin,
If there’s a 1-1 correspondence between event and venue, why not store the marker the venue page. Or is it possible a house maybe listed again but require a different marker. But anyway, here’s how you could do it:
add_filter( 'eventorganiser_venue_marker', 'my_venue_map_icon', 10, 2 );
function my_venue_map_icon( $icon, $venue_id ){
//Get venue slug from ID
$venue = eo_get_venue_by( 'id', $venue_id );
$slug = $venue->slug;
//Get event from venue
$events = eo_get_events( array(
'fields' => 'ids',
'venue' => $slug,
'showpastevents' => true,
'numberposts' => 1,
) );
if( $events) {
//Event found, get its tags
$event_id = $events[0];
$tags = get_the_terms( $event_id, 'event-tag' );
if ( $terms && ! is_wp_error( $terms ) ){
//Event has tags, pick one.
$tag = array_shift( $tags);
//Set $icon (url to marker) to use for thetag $tag
return $icon;
You’ll need to fill in the blanks though – specifically, given a $tag
, what is the url to it’s marker. The easiest way is to have some sort of naming convention of marker images and a dedicated folder in wp-content
for your markers.

Stephen Harris
Thanks Stephen. Where would I insert the code?

Ardin Beech
I’d recommend putting it in a dedicated plug-in – but it will work inside your theme’s functions.php

Stephen Harris