Custom Bulk Actions

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #23556

    Current status: I’ve written a utility plugin to extend functionality to EO Pro. I’ve successfully hooked into the init action by using the ‘eo_register_booking_status’ function to add an Archived label. All works well.


    All of this works well when dealing with an individual booking from within the booking details page. If, however, I wish to archive 50 bookings at once with a bulk action, this does not work. So I’ve gone digging into event_booking_table.php and found a function called ‘get_bulk_actions’. I’ve added a new action called archive in there (bad practice…I know but I’m just trying to figure things out) and I now see that new status on the bookings page. It can’t be this easy.

    It’s not. When I check all the bookings I want and try to use the newly created bulk action, nothing happens. The page refreshes and all bookings remain the same. Obviously, there’s some additional functionality that consumes this selection box and does something with it, but I’m having a hard time locating said code. Perhaps I’m just tired and need to make another pot of coffee.

    In any event, has anyone implemented custom bulk actions and, if so, what am I missing? I’m so close to figuring this out and then I want to refactor it and incorporate it into my utility plugin.

    Thank you.

    Tommy Johnson

    Hi Tommy,

    Custom bulk action isn’t actually supported, at least not without editing the plugin further (specifically page_actions() method in admin/bookings.php).

    There are no plans to add support for custom actions, but I’ll add it to the backlog for consideration for 2.1 (version 2.0 is currently in the beta stage).

    Stephen Harris
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