CSV Importer Suggestions

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #16596

    Hey Stephen.

    A couple of suggestions on the CSV importer.

    1. After a file is selected and the Upload File and Import button is clicked, the importer obviously is uploading and parsing the file. If the file is large, it may appear to the user that nothing is happening or that the upload and parsing is done. I have clicked on the Import button thinking that all was good, when I should have been waiting for the data grid to appear. Maybe some sort of indicator that the parsing is in process would be good.

    2. If I click the Import button after the data grid is displayed and I’ve forgotten to correlate the columns to data fields that the importer expects, I get an error that says “No Start Date”. The error message is misleading, a bit. Perhaps a message that says, “Please assign data fields to the columns in the grid” or something like that.

    Howard Jacobson

    Thanks Howard,

    Both are very good suggestions but particular (2). It should be fairly easy to catch that with JavaScript. I’ll add this onto the roadmap

    Stephen Harris
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