I want to import a bunch of events using Event Organiser CSV but I don’t want it to publish them right away as I want to add photos and do some other editing. How do I import them and have them as draft versions right away?
Also, can you import ticket information so it sets up tickets automatically?
Judy Kavanagh
You can add a status column and in the import wizard assign the column to map to the event status.
Unfortunately the CSV does not support event ticket information
Stephen Harris
I added a status column to my file to import but I’m not clear on how to assign the column to the event status. I tried using Post meta (which seems to be the only column that is assignable) with the value as status and as event status but neither worked.
On another note, when you use Post meta the box to type the header into disappears if there is another column to the right of it. Any way to make this visible? It’s very useful for importing custom fields but hard to see if you’ve type the name correctly.
Judy Kavanagh
Hi Judy,
Sorry, I gave that advice assuming there was a status option, but that seems to have been over-looked.
In the mean time, what you can do is change line 229 of event-organiser-csv/includes/admin.php
, from
$event['post_status'] = 'publish';
$event['post_status'] = 'draft';
Stephen Harris