Cron for update status

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 1 year, 7 months ago.

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  • #42907

    Hi, I’ve created a custom status for reservations ( so that I can remove them from the list displayed on the administration screen when they’ve “passed” (the recurring event has passed). Is it possible to create a Cron (or other) task so that every day the system scans the reservations and automatically changes the status when the event date has passed?

    Fernand Dutilleux

    Hi Fernand,

    Yes, WordPress provides a psuedo-cron interface (you can alternatively configure a cron task on the server) which while it doesn’t guarantee timings for the task being executed, will probably be good enough for your use case. The official documentation for configuring a cron task can be found here:

    Stephen Harris
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