I ran into a critical error message from wordpress on trying to download bookings from the event card on the admin calendar view. (Link ending with eo-action=export-bookings)
The browser shows an 500 error :
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500
(Internal Server Error)
I noticed that if I remove the eo-action parameter from the link url (…?action=event-admin-cal&start=2021-07-26&end=2021-09-06&_fs_blog_admin=true&event_id=88416&occurrence_id=2179) I get a response with the (unformatted) details of the event.
And from the Bookings management view I can download a CSV of all bookings, filtered by the event.
Where can I look for the source of this bug ?
Thanks !

Timothée Besse
Hi Timothée,
Do you know what is adding the event-admin-cal=admin-cal....&_fs_blog_admin=true
because they are not added by the plug-in?
Possibly there is a plug-in conflict or there is some custom code running on your server that might be adding those parameters and causing the problem?
What do your error logs contain? It should detail the cause of the critical error.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
I have the same issue. In my case the URL parameters look like this:
PHP error log:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: array_flip() expects exactly 1 argument, 4 given in …/plugins/event-organiser-pro/includes/export/class-controller.php:111

Paul Schroeder