
This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  AK 3 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #40427


    We only use offline payment options for bookings.

    Am I right that Event Organiser does not set any cookies (front-end)?
    (other than from google maps if that is active)

    Do you know of a “cookie consent” -plugin that works with Event Organiser If we only want to display maps after cookie consent ?




    It also sets the cookie eopBookingSession when a booking is made. This doesn’t store any user data, only a signed token containing the booking ID. This is solely used to determine that a booking is in progress (e.g. if the user is redirected to another site as part of the booking process, or if they refresh the page while booking).

    This type of cookie arguably falls into the security/authentication usage, so probably doesn’t need consent (at least on my reading of the ICOs guidance, though I appreciate that is only applicable to the UK). Nor can it be disabled. It is only set when you create a booking.

    As for Google maps, I don’t think it stores cookies (see – I’ve checked my local test site and I couldn’t see any cookies being stored.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen, that’s great!

    …I was sure google maps used cookies there,
    but I double checked and you’re right no cookies are stored for me either.


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