Contact form not working?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ronya Banks 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #10854

    Hi Stephen,

    I’ve sent you two messages via this site’s contact form over the past week but haven’t heard back from you. You are always so prompt in replying that I’m wondering if there’s an issue with the contact form.

    My problem is that I’m getting an error message about an invalid license number for the Pro plugin (single-site usage). I had tested the plugin on the dev site,, and now am ready to deploy it on the live site, I removed the license number from the dev site’s settings and re-saved the settings, but that doesn’t appear adequate to clear the domain/address associated with the license number.

    Can you help?

    P.S. I’m not actually Ronya; I’m Suzanne, the web developer for Ronya’s site, and my email address is suzannemhahn(at) Thanks.

    Ronya Banks

    Hi Suzanne,

    I received an e-mail from you on the 11th and 12th, to which I replied on the 13th. Perhaps, it’s got caught up in a spam filter?

    I cleared the license key on the 13th, and so it should now be appearing as ‘valid’. However, it will only appear so once its remotely checked the license. It usually does so every 24 hours, so I would expect it to be showing as ‘valid’. If not I’d be happy to investigate further (I’ll be in touch via e-mail – hopefully this one will reach you!).

    Stephen Harris

    It’s working! Yay! I knew you would have answered promptly. Your emails aren’t in my spam folder, so who knows? Anyway, thanks very much!


    Ronya Banks
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