Why does my calendar show constantly loading when people view the calendar of events?
Someone tried the other day with their android phone and it would not finish loading.
It just said loading by the name of the month and just sat there buffering….
I tried from my desktop and it was find and was also find from my android phone.
This is the page…
Any ideas?

Chris Christenson
Hi Chris,
The ajax request is 404ing (in fact there is another plug-in whose ajax request is 404ing).
I’d check your site’s home/site url settings. The home url can bet whatever you like, but the site url needs to point to your WordPress installation. (I think this might not be the case, and hence the 404ing)

Stephen Harris
Can you provide some additional details. I didn’t think there was anything in the event organizer settings that referred to the URL?
worpress is installed under obsessionarchery.com/class so that is what is loaded in the wordpress settngs.
I didn’t add an ending slash / after the url could that be the issue?
thanks for any help

Chris Christenson
I didn’t think there was anything in the event organizer settings that referred to the URL?
There’s not, this is in the WordPress settings. For some reason all of the WordPress resource urls are 404ing (e.g. see the log-in page is not styled, WordPress’ stylesheet for that page is 404ing).
Thinking about it, this could be a permissions issue. What are the folder permissions for the wp-admin

Stephen Harris
Ok, it seems like I have this fixed under most cases. However, when someone tries to view
the page with an iphone it just continues displaying loading and never finishes the loading.
Any ideas?

Chris Christenson
Hi Chris, I’m still seeing the same 404 error…

Stephen Harris
(Which is device agnostic).

Stephen Harris
Can you tell me how you’re getting the 404 error reporting?

Chris Christenson
Yup, if I open up the browser console, and view the “Network” tab (on Chrome) and load the page, it highlights the ajax request in red. Clicking on the request, and viewing the Headers shows a status code of 404. The response to the request is in fact the HTML mark-up of your site’s 404 page.

Stephen Harris
I turned off some plug-ins. Do you still see the 404 error? I think have the network console working and don’t see one.

Chris Christenson
Just re-checked with Iphone and it still says “LOADING…” but never shows the events on the calendar.
It works fine on the desktop and the android phones.

Chris Christenson
Hi Chris,
It is still 404ing for me on desktop and tablet. Could this instead be determined by whether you are logged in or not? A served response error is not likely to be determined by device whereas it could be influenced by whether the user is logged in or not.
Incidently as mentioned the same 404 problem is causing the login page to be unstyled. Is the login page styled across all the devices you are testing?

Stephen Harris
I must be doing something wrong because I don’t see the 404 error. In chrome I click the tools menu in the upper right corner
Then more tools, then developer tools, then click the network tab and then refresh the page.
I don’t see a 404 error anywhere in here. Am I doing this correctly?
I verified that I am not “registered” and not logged in and still don’t see a 404.

Chris Christenson
Hi Chris,
This is what I see:

Also note a slideshow plug-in’s script is also 404ing. This is the url of the ajax request:
You should see a blank page with just json data, instead you get the 404 page of the site.
Indeed the admin ajax endpoint, when appropriate callback isn’t found, should display a blank page with just 0. Visiting this http://www.obsessionarchery.com/class/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php I again get the 404 page.
I’ve also tested this on a tablet and mobile, both android.

Stephen Harris
Can you email that picture to me. It’s too small to see what the screen capture says. I’ve figured out it may have to do with blocking access to the wp-admin directory. I’m looking into it.

Chris Christenson