Confirmed PayPal payments not reflected as Confirmed in admin

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Confirmed PayPal payments not reflected as Confirmed in admin

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  John Ribar 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    Sold a bunch of registrations yesterday and had payments successfully come through PayPal, but none of the bookings automatically updated as Confirmed.

    I saw in another thread that you said this might have something to do with IPN notifications. Anything I can do to remedy the problem?

    Thanks =)

    Natalie Parisi

    Natalie — I had a similar problem, and Stephen sent me the following ideas:

    If PayPal considers the payment confirmed (sometimes Payments ‘require action’, for instance if a different currency is used) then this indicates that PayPal was unable to communicate with your site. If you view the booking admin screen, does a PayPal transaction ID appear under the booking ID (the booking ID will be smaller number preceded by a hash tag, the transaction ID should be a letter/number ID appearing beneath it). If there isn’t an ID then PayPal wasn’t able to communicate with your site, if there is – then PayPal did but was unable to confirm payment (you can see the reason for this by viewing the booking’s admin screen and clicking ‘Show Gateway Response’).

    In the former case this can be caused by some membership plug-ins if they are set up to redirect users, or some ‘maintaince mode’ plug-ins. If you have a PayPal business account you can log-in to PayPal and go to “My Acccount > History > IPN History”. This details the IPN (instant payment notifications) made to your site, indicating a confirmed payment.

    If you view one of these, feel free to reply with the contents of that page. What is of particular importance is the notification url and the HTTP response status. However, I’d suggest first testing the plug-in without any plug-ins installed and switched to TwentyTweleve theme. If we can identify a conflict with a plug-in I’d be happy to look into it and resolve it for you.

    Don’t know if it will fix your issues, but maybe something to start with…

    John Ribar
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