Confirmation email address/Sender

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #36512

    Hi. I have searched this forum and the EO Documentation and while finding information on changing the default admin email address I have not been able to get it to work. I have downloaded the free plugin and successfully managed to change the admin notification emails to go to the address specified, however, no matter what I try the client/user email confirmation always displays as coming from the default WordPress Admin email address.

    I would prefer to not to change the WordPress Admin email but we would like to use for anything relating to EO… is there a simple way to do this?

    I have used the following code in my functions file:

    function my_event_admin_email( $email ){
    //Change $email;
    return $email;
    add_filter( ‘eventorganiser_admin_email’, ‘my_event_admin_email’ );

    Should I use the above code as is… or do I need to add the bookings@ email address in this code somewhere? Does this code do the same thing as the free plugin is doing?

    Hoping you can assist

    Many thanks

    Jean Fraser

    You would need to do:

    function my_event_admin_email( $email ){
        return '';
    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_admin_email', 'my_event_admin_email' );
    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen for your prompt reply… worked perfectly. So obvious when I look at it now… but I’m still getting to grips with all the functions/hooks etc that EO provides.

    While the code has now changed the from address for the Booking Confirmation emails, I did a test using the Email Bookees function in the Bookings panel and unfortunately these emails are being sent from the generic wordpress email ( and not from the bookings@ email address.

    Is there anyway to change this using a similar function?

    I have looked into using WP Mail SMTP but from what I can see you can only add one email address using this plugin… and it is likely that we will want to use a couple of different email addresses for sending emails from the site.

    Many thanks

    Jean Fraser

    Hi Jean,

    That looks like a bug. I’ll release an update to address that.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen

    The brilliant facility to be able to select and email bookees was just one of the reasons we selected EO over other event plugins, so it’s great to hear this will be fixed in the next update… I don’t suppose you can give a time frame for when the update might be available… although I do understand if this is not possible.

    Once again many thanks.

    Jean Fraser

    Hi Jean,

    Update should be released in the next few days.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen

    Just wanted to confirm that I have updated the plugin/s and everything is working perfectly.
    The email sender for the emailing bookee’s feature is now showing correctly.

    Great plugin… great support!

    Many thanks

    Jean Fraser

    You’re welcome!

    Stephen Harris
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