Compatibility with WP Toolset – Types and Views

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Compatibility with WP Toolset – Types and Views

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    I’m looking at using Event Organiser on a site I’m building at the moment for a venue.

    I have a license for WP Toolset which I normally use to create content pages and set up queryable pages. Normally when I’m setting up a content page or view using Toolset, the custom post type fields appear in the edit pane.

    However, that doesn’t seem to happened with Event Organiser – I’m unable to set up views or content templates using the fields from the plugin.

    Do you know if there’s a way of telling Toolset to find the custom post type created by Event Organiser, and therefore pull in the fields?

    Many thanks



    Hi Hannah,

    I’m afraid there isn’t (currently) a way of using that plug-in to edit the event page templates. WP Toolset wouldn’t know where to look for the data relating to the event, and I suspect it is developed to only use post types created via their types plug-in (which is why it doesn’t appear in their edit pane).

    I shall get in touch with the developers at WP Toolset to see if a bridge could be developed, but I’m unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to offer any sort of timeline for that right now.

    Stephen Harris
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