Clone Booking forms

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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  • #9470

    Hey Stephen!

    I am hoping to use reuse a few rather complicated booking forms and wondered if there is an easy way to do this without importing/exporting all of the event data as well.

    Hope you are well!


    Ann/Caitlin Wiegand/Everett

    Hi Caitlin,

    The same booking form can be used by multiple events without any problems. Or do you have a booking form which you want mostly duplicated, but with a few alterations to it?

    Stephen Harris

    I am hoping to take the forms out of one installation of wordpress/eo and into a new one (dif server, domain, etc). I can hand-copy the booking forms, but it would save me some time to be able to clone them- if they are saved as templates somewhere or something. Not hugely important, just wondered if there is an easy way.

    Ann/Caitlin Wiegand/Everett

    I see – I’m afraid there isn’t a way of importing booking forms from another installation, but that is something I’ll definitely look into.

    Stephen Harris
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