Clickable links

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #11629


    Whenever I follow a clickable link, it takes me to a page that has not formatting. eg. I created this link –

    On this event page (which looks fine) there are links to:

    Amoung others, but these links about, land up on pages that have no proper formatting. Why is this? I saw something about theme integration, but surely one is not expected to format every page?

    Gary Youell

    Hi Gary,

    The plug-in provides (basic) default templates. But unfortunately these do not (and cannot) always work with every theme. Fortunately there is only three templates (assuming you make use of venues and categories) that would need editing, and these are typically identical except for the title:

    • archive-event.php (Events page)
    • taxonomy-event-venue.php (Venue page)
    • archive-event-category.php (Category page)

    These can be found in wp-content/event-organiser/templates and should be copied to your theme before editing. Typically clashes with a theme happen due to the HTML mark-up (and classes) being different to what the theme expects. This is readily fixed by altering the above templates so they more closely reflect your theme’s templates.

    If you need any further help with this, then just let me know.

    Stephen Harris


    Thanx for the reply. This site is not accessible via FTP, so it makes working on files like this fairly cumbersome. Before I venture down that route, is this the only way to achieve a consistent look?

    Once I have copied these files to my theme (assume its the root theme folder?), what exactly needs to be done to them?

    I’m sorry for all the questions, I want to ensure all my ducks are in a row before I request special FTP access.



    Gary Youell

    Once I have copied these files to my theme (assume its the root theme folder?),


    what exactly needs to be done to them

    That really depends on the theme unfortunately. I’ll be in touch via e-mail shortly.

    Stephen Harris
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