Clear License Key

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #17795


    we have just moved our installation from Dev to Live. Now our key is invalid.

    Could you please clear it so that it can work from the live installation.

    Do you need any additional details?

    Thanks in Advance


    Raitschin Raitschew

    Hi Raitschin,

    No further details required – I’ve just cleared the license key for you. It may take a few hours to filter through.

    Stephen Harris


    I did this same thing by mistake and my site just went live today….

    Is it possible to ask for the same? I need to transfer it from the demo to live location now.

    Thank you!

    Oliver Efremov

    Hi Oliver,

    Your license key has been cleared.

    Stephen Harris
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