Changing the 'Description' field sent to Stripe

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Changing the 'Description' field sent to Stripe

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 4 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #38683

    Is there a way to change the ‘Description’ sent to Stripe from ‘Booking reference #466 (’ to include the course title?

    For example I need to the ‘Description’ changed to ‘Booking reference #466 – Jazz Guitar Course (’.

    I have attached an image of what comes through to Stripe at present which I would like changing.

    enter image description here

    Tom Beavan

    Hi Tom,

    This is possible with the eventorganiser_stripe_create_payment_intent hook:

    add_filter('eventorganiser_stripe_create_payment_intent', function($intent, $booking){
        $bookee = $booking->get_bookee();
        $email = sanitize_email($bookee->get_email());
        $bookable = $booking->get_bookable();
        $event_id = (int) $bookable->get_event_id();
        $event_title = get_the_title($event_id);
        $intent['description'] = "Booking reference #{$booking->id()} - $event_title ({$email})";
        return $intent;
    }, 10, 2 );
    Stephen Harris
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