Changing Stripe field labels

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Gary Handley 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    When you add stripe as a payment gateway, the Expiry month and year fields are labeled simply “Month” and “Year”. For user clarity I would like to change these label captions to “Expiry Month” and “Expiry Year”. Where can I make this change?

    Best regards

    Gary Handley

    Wouldn’t you know it – I found the answer after posting this. I had installed Stripe on my live server, but not on my local test server and I was searching on my local server, doh. I’ve now found it in “class-eo-stripe-payment-gateway.php”. Thanks anyway.

    Best regards

    Gary Handley

    Glad this sorted!

    This might change, though in a future update (not an immediate one). Currently gateway credit card fields are ‘inserted’ in, by just printing the required HTML fields to the page – the aim will be to instead add these fields to the booking form API (although they won’t appear in the booking form). This will make it easier to modify the fields properties (label, position etc) and (as per the coming Pro update), provide a template for the field in your theme.

    Stephen Harris

    Looking forward to seeing that template in the future, thanks Stephen.

    Gary Handley
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