Change width of booking form in widget area

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Change width of booking form in widget area

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #17554

    Hi, I’ve put the booking form in the widget area ( right column ) but I need to alter the layout and place the ticket name, price, nr of tic kets underneath the date picker.
    In what file can I do this?
    I’ve tried editing eo-ticket-picker.php but I see no changes in the output code when publishing.

    I know I’m harrassing you with questions right now Stephen, but I really like your plugin, and want to get the most out of it.

    Best regards, Frank

    Frank Dandenell

    Tried again and got it working. It is eo-ticket-picker.php that I need to edit.

    I beleive it’s the cache in wp that made me puzzled with o visible changes.


    Frank Dandenell

    Glad that’s sorted for Frank. eo-ticket-picker.php is in the correct template file.

    Stephen Harris
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