Change view and style/print and link distable for soldout Event

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Change view and style/print and link distable for soldout Event

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  otomo hirofumi 1 week ago.

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    i don’t speak english.
    this question is transrate with google.
    if don’t understand,report please.

    Is it possible to display “Sold out” when an event is sold out on the full calendar?
    Is it possible to not link to the details page when an event is sold out on the full calendar?
    Thank you in advance.

    otomo hirofumi

    Hi, Otoma,

    The following code should do that:

    function myprefix_maybe_remove_calendar_link( $event, $event_id, $occurrence_id ){
        $remaining = eo_get_remaining_tickets_count( $event_id, $occurrence_id );
        if ( $remaining === 0 ) {
            $event['url'] = false; // Remove link
            $event['title'] .= " (sold out)"; //The name of the event as it appears in the calendar
            $event['description'] = "sold out";  // The content of the tooltip of the even in the calendar
        } else {
            $event['description'] = "$remaining tickets remaining";
        return $event;
    Stephen Harris

    Hi Steven Harris,
    Thanks for your advice.
    Sorry for the late reply.

    Which file should I add this code to?

    otomo hirofumi
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