change venue name

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Barry Meadows 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #27447

    i want to change the venue name on some of my venues (to add a location, so ‘The Atrium’ would become ‘The Atrium North Walsham’). When I do this the shortcode in a template do_shortcode(‘[eo_events group_events_by=”series” venue=”‘.eo_get_venue_name($venue_id).'” showpastevents=false]’) fails to find any events for the venue. When I put the venue name back, the events return to the list formed by the shortcode. What am I doing wring?

    Barry Meadows

    Hi Barry,

    venue expects the slug of the venue, not its name. Typically the slug of the venue will not change even when you edit the name of the venue as this would change the URL of the venue.


    do_shortcode('[eo_events group_events_by="series" venue="'.eo_get_venue_slug($venue_id).'" showpastevents=false]');


    Stephen Harris


    Barry Meadows
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