Change "Today" highlight color in eo-fullcalendar

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Change "Today" highlight color in eo-fullcalendar

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Christian von Wolkahof 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #33389

    Hello Stephen,

    first let me thank you for the great calendar plugin.
    Today I wonder how to change the color of the highlighting of the current day in eo-fullcalendar.
    I tried

    .eo_fullcalendar_1 .today {
    background: #f8f8fc;

    but no avail.
    Tried several other selectors, without success.
    My theme (GeneratePress does not interfere into any tables.

    Any idea, what I need to change?

    Thank you for your help and support,

    Best, Chris

    Christian von Wolkahof

    Something like

    .eo-fullcalendar .fc-today {
        background: #f8f8fc!important;

    should work.

    Stephen Harris


    that works perfectly!

    Thank you very much,

    Best, Chris

    Christian von Wolkahof
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