Change State to County in FES

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chris Hirst 8 years ago.

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    My site is based in the UK, and when customers list a new venue everything is fine until they get to the State box. I know it should be pretty obvious, but us Brits are a funny lot, so is there a way to change State: to County:

    I noticed a similar topic some months ago, and I have added the code snippet suggested, and changed the code in the eo-booking-forn-address.php, but it does not seem to affect the text in the event venue field in fes.


    Chris Hirst

    eo-booking-forn-address.php is for Pro. The you are after file is event-organiser-fes/templates/elements/eo-event-form-event-venue.php.

    The template is already translatable. So you could create .po/.mo file which ‘translates’ that string, and that would be the “correct” way of doing it. But, it’s probably a lot easier for you copy the template to your theme and replace:

    <?php _e( 'State', 'eventorganiserfes' );?>


    <?php _e( 'County', 'eventorganiserfes' );?>
    Stephen Harris

    Thank you – works just fine now.

    Chris Hirst
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