Change reply-to

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #33288


    We need to have a different sender email, other than the WordPress admin one, for emails that are sent through Event Organiser.

    So we have been using hooks to change sender email/name, similar to snippet presented here:

    However I now discovered that any replies to these EO -emails still use WordPress admin email (even though sender has changed).

    I did find a way around this by changing event-organiser-pro/includes/booking-actions.php line 227 ‘’ (We are using the EO pro -beta).

    Does that make sense, is there a better way to handle this?

    We use a child theme and I always try to make any changes there but I could make a note to remember always updating this when there is a new version of Event Organiser Pro.



    Hi Anders,

    Yes, you can use the filters mentioned on this page: to change the email used.

    Or, if you wanted to specifically just change that email, the headers are filtered by eventorganiser_booking_confirmed_email_headers a few lines after the one you mentioned.

    Both filters can be used inside your theme’s functions.php, so no need to modify the plugin itself.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen!

    I´ll be sure to use that instead, before our next update.

    …bookings are automatically confirmed using the method presented here but I guess that doesn´t have any impact on this?



    That’s correct, that shouldn’t impact anything.

    Stephen Harris
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