Change offline payment to pay cash

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Willem Wiers 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #25237

    In the translation offline payment is translated into Bankoverschijving, but i would like to have that to be: Pay cash (or in Dutch: Betaal contant)
    I made change in de translationspart (eventsorganiser-nl_NL.po) but that seems to be not enough, or no good at all 🙂

    Willem Wiers

    Hmm… that appears to be an incorrect translation. That should probably be “Offline Betalings” (?) by default.

    In any case, to update the translation you’ll need to produce a .mo file. You can do that using poedit, or you can use this Grunt tool po2mo or this online tool.

    In any case, the file name should be the same (but with the .mo extension). You’ll want to follow the advice here in the Site-specific translations section.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    Thank you for your answer.
    But the translation is oke so far that “offline payment” is “Bankoverschijving”.
    I would only have the “Bankoverschijving” to be something different like “Betaal contant”.
    Then i have to change the mo files? There is no other option?

    Willem Wiers

    Fixed! Using local translate plugin.
    It found my adjustent (“Contante betaling” instead of “Bankoverschijving” but what i had done is place this only in the .po. Now when i hit save i think it also rewrite the .mo.
    And that did the trick! 🙂
    Thanx for pointing me in the right direction.

    Willem Wiers
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