Change Labels: "Booking" & "Book"

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  JB Woodruff 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #6298

    Hi, is it possible to change the labeling of buttons “Booking” & “Book” to “Registration” and “Submit”.
    If, so where?

    Miho Karlic

    HI Miho,

    The title is filtered using eventorganiser_booking_title:

    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_booking_title', 'miho_change_booking_form_title' );
    function miho_change_booking_form_title( $title ){
       return 'Registration'

    Similarly the ‘Book’ text is filtered via eventorganiser_booking_button_text.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen, that helps!

    this site offers workshops ( 2 days, 3 days & 5 days), each in series but, all in the same week. e.g. 2 days=Mon/Tue, 3 days =Wed-Fri, 5 days= Mon-Fri.
    They repeat almost every month but may differ by country/venue.
    So, I need to know how to add the event date and title in the bookings admin (and notification) to recognize each properly. The reference no. tells me too little.


    Miho Karlic

    So are you’re booking events ‘by series’ or ‘by date’? If the former the user has booked for all events in a series, if the latter they are booked on for the specific date they chose. – Could you explain how that fits with your use case?

    They repeat almost every month but may differ by country/venue.

    Recurring event’s can only occur at particular venue – so are each of these different events. (Sorry, I’m having trouble picturing your use case and how it relates to EO’s handling of events!)

    Stephen Harris

    Ok, no problem, let me try and explain;

    Workshop Essential, 2 days=Mon/Tue
    Workshop Advanced, 3 days =Wed-Fri
    Workshop Master, 5 days= Mon-Fri.
    All of these classes are held in the same room and at the same venue but each bookable separately. Some join the first 2 days, some last 3 days and some all 5 days.

    The above scenario is what is offered almost every second week. The only change is different locations (venues/countries).

    Is this more clear?

    Miho Karlic

    Sorry, so “Workshop Essential” is an event – or a ticket?

    In both cases the name of the event and ticket(s) purchased appear in the bookings admin screen. You can also include these in e-mails via the provided tags:

    This information will appear in the booking/ticket CSV export too (ticket names only appear in the ticket export).

    Sorry if I’ve misunderstood you!

    Stephen Harris

    To return to the original item in this thread. What file do I need to modify to enter the filter?



    JB Woodruff

    Hi JB,

    The booking button text and booking title can set per booking form via the booking form’s settings. Go to Settings > Booking Form and then click the ‘settings’ filter.

    Stephen Harris

    Awesomely easy. Thank you.

    JB Woodruff
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