Change Label in Booking Form

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #12995

    Dear Stephen
    I am running my wordpress installation in german language. When I am using the booking form it shows the labels «first name» and «last name». Where is it possible to change the labels to the appropriate language?
    Thanks for you help.
    Cheers, Benjamin

    Benjamin Ogg

    Hi Benjamin,

    There appears to be a bug here with the English translation being saved to the database and over-riding the default value (which would be “First name” and “Last name” in German for a German installation). Also, my current .po file for German doesn’t provide a translation for “First Name” or “Last Name”, but I’ll update that too (It may have already been done – I will need to check).

    There’ll be an update in the next day or so to prevent the sublabels (“First Name” and “Last Name”) being saved to the database. With that fixed, an updated .po file should have the text translated. A later version may well expose those settings for users to set in the booking form.

    Thanks for raising this issue, and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

    Stephen Harris

    Dear Stephen
    Thanks a lot for your quick answer. Again: you provide a superbe service.
    Never mind for this issue, I wait for the update.
    If you need any help concering german translations – just let me know and I will help.
    Cheers, Benjamin

    Benjamin Ogg

    Hi Ben,

    I’ve just released the update. There seems to be a very active German community for Event Organiser – most translations are reasonably up to date, but you find something is missing you can use

    to translate the text. Changes are then included in the next update (and can be immediately downloaded for current use).

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen

    Thanks for your info. I just updated the plugin. The labels are now perfectly translated, BUT the placeholder text is still in english (see screenshot)

    The reason why there is such an active (german) community for your brilliant plugin: it is far THE BEST out there and believe me: i tested pretty much. Thank you!


    Benjamin Ogg

    Thank you :).

    That’s odd. If you’re using 1.8.4 it should appear translated. The exception here is if you’re using your own translation files. Part of the 1.8.4 update included translations for “Last name” (as opposed to “Last Name”). The latter had been translated, but a bug had meant the English version was being used, whereas the former hadn’t been translated (prior to 1.8.4).

    If you’ve updated the plug-in, but are using your own .mo file that would explain why the text is no longer translated. Might that be the case?

    Stephen Harris

    Dear Stephen

    ISSUE SOLVED! I had troubles with updating to 1.8.4 through the wordpress backend and was still on 1.8.3.
    I downloaded the newest Pro version from your website and put it on the server by FTP and now everything is perfectly awesome.

    Sorry and cheers!

    Benjamin Ogg

    Great, glad that’s sorted!

    Stephen Harris

    Dear Stephen
    I am facing the same issue (see my entry dated 13th october) with the Front End Submission Add-on.
    Most of the labels can be changed through the form-editor but the «sub-labels» like First Name and Last Name as well as Event Start and Event End are not changeable and show up in english instead of german translation.
    Thanks again for your kind help.
    Cheers, Benjamin.

    Benjamin Ogg

    Thank Benjamin,

    There’s an update due very shortly which will fix that. “Even start” and “Event end” will need to be translated via .po file – previous versions hasn’t registered the text domain, so this won’t work with pre-1.1.2.

    Stephen Harris
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