change header for taxonomy event pages

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question change header for taxonomy event pages

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Avi Rosenberg 12 years ago.

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  • #3622

    Thanks for a very nice plugin. I have a question. I am trying to change my site header for the taxonomy event pages. Is there a way to do this by identifying those pages inside the header.php file and making my changes there or should I just create a separate header.php file for those pages?
    Avi Rosenberg

    Avi Rosenberg

    Hi Avi,

    Yes in your header you can use is_tax() (see Codex), e.g.

       if( is_tax( 'event-category' ) ){
           //Event category
       }elseif( is_tax( 'event-venue' ) ){
           //Event venue
        }elseif( is_tax( 'event-tag' ) ){
           //Event tag
    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen
    Thanks for your reply.
    I tried that and for some reason it doesn’t return anything (returns “none”).

    if( is_tax( 'event-category' ) ){
    echo "event-category";
    }elseif( is_tax( 'event-venue' ) ){
    echo "event-venue";
    }elseif( is_tax( 'event-tag' ) ){
    echo "event-tag";
    } else {
    echo "none";

    In the end, I used $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] and extracted “/events/” from the path and used that.
    I have another question about the widget calendar, but I will open another thread.

    Avi Rosenberg
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