Category Icon

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Karen Atherholt 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #19589

    I would like to show an image icon next to the event title of the event
    if the category=’christmas’ on the above linked url. Can this be done?

    Karen Atherholt

    Yes, you can use has_term() to check if an event has a particular taxonomy term:

    if ( has_term( 'christmas', 'event-category', get_the_ID() ) {
         //event has category with slug 'christmas', display icon
    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen. It took me a while to make it work, but here is the final code I used in my custom file – shortcode-event-list.php

    <td valign="top"><!-- Is event category 'christmas' -->
    if ( has_term( 'christmas', 'event-category' )) {
        //event has category with slug 'christmas', display icon
        printf('<img src="" alt="Roswell Christmas Event" />' );

    I use a plugin called “WP Custom taxonomy Image” (By Aftab Husain) in order to have a field to add the image icon to my category.

    Here are the results:

    Karen Atherholt
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