Can't get the correct start date / time

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Can't get the correct start date / time

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #30344

    Hi there,

    we’ve been trying to make our custom events archive and single pages – but unfortunately we’re unable to retrieve the correct date. Using WP the_date() will only return month and year.

    We’ve tried to use eo_get_the_start( ) and pretty much any other function that is described in your docs, but failed to retrieve the event start time. The returns are usually “crazy” numbers, I suppose it’s because the start and end times are relative numbers that belong to a timezone? We’re aware that some functions return in PHP-datetime format but still weren’t able to display the correct time.

    Please tell us how to display the start time in archive-event.php (copied from the event plugin templates) in the loop.


    Manuel Geissinger

    Hi Manuel,

    You probably want to edit eo-loop-single-event.php unless you want to edit the wider structure of the page.

    In any case, you can do the following:

     echo eo_get_the_start('G:ia');

    The argument determines the format.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    I’ve tried now

     echo eo_get_the_start('G:ia');

    But as before the dates aren’t correct. The output is


    for every event, while in the WordPress backend the dates are displayed correctly.

    Manuel Geissinger

    Hi Manuel,

    What do you get if you do:

     global $post;
     var_dump( $post->occurrence_id );
     var_dump( $post->StartDate );
     var_dump( $post->StartTime );
    Stephen Harris
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