Can't get show events for specific venue (taxonomy-event-venue)

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Can't get show events for specific venue (taxonomy-event-venue)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 10 months ago.

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    I have a page taxonomy-event-venue.php where I want to show a list of current and pass events. I had coded it and the current/past events are working but I cannot get event-venue to work in eo_get_events although I use eo_get_venue_slug(). Instead the page shows all events and I actually can’t find why.

    Here is my code: Pastebin

    Thanks for every help,


    Marek Zelezny

    Forgot to add, here is how it looks like right now:

    On the right should be just MONTY PYTHON and V LIBERCI CHYSTAJÍ MONTY PYTHONY.

    Marek Zelezny

    Hi Marek,

    I can’t see anything wrong with the code, and after testing the code I wasn’t able to reproduce the bug either. Can you confirm that $current_event does indeed contain the venue you expect? This will at least determine whether the bug is with the set-up of the query, or the query itself. (You could try using tax_query (see codex), but what you have should work)

    Stephen Harris

    As I mentioned in my e-mail, the problem was that eo_get_venue_slug() was being used with the venue ID (not the event ID).

    Stephen Harris
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