Can't get booking form to show

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi I have looked at the documentation but for the life of me I can’t get the booking form to show.

    I’ve created a booking form, and it is selected on the event but it doesn’t show? What am I doing wrong?

    Jade Deverill

    Hi Jade,

    There are a number of reasons why a booking form doesn’t show:

    • No tickets have been created
    • Tickets have been created, but have quantity 0 (this is different from ‘sold out’)
    • Tickets have been created but are currently not on sale (if a sale period has been specified)
    • Tickets have been created, but the event’s date has been changed and the ticket hasn’t been updated.

    The last is the most common. If you are selling ‘by date’ (default) then tickets are tied to particular occurrence(s). If you edit an event’s dates, then those occurrences may change. You’ll need to edit the tickets and select the dates you want the associate them to using the datepicker. Selected dates will appear fully in shaded in (in blue). Or you can use the ‘select all’.

    Stephen Harris

    Jade, I’ve just followed up with an e-mail as well in case you need any further help.

    Stephen Harris
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