Can't add venue?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    I’m having trouble adding venues. I type in some text and click the + button, it erases what I typed and opens the form to enter venue details. I enter the details, and my only option is “cancel”. When I save the page, the venue information is gone.

    Here is what I see.

    Anthea Ancalade

    Hi Anthea,

    The ‘+’ is for creating a new venue. If you wish to do this, simply enter the venue details and save the event. Don’t click cancel as this tells the software you don’t want to create a new venue and instead returns you the venue input to select an existing venue.

    If you want to select an existing venue, type the venue name in the venue input and select it from the suggestions (the suggestions can take a while if you have a lot of venues – and this is being addressed in a planned updated). Once selected, simply save the event (don’t click ‘+’ as this tells the software you want to create a new venue rather than use an existing one).

    I hope that makes sense! I’ll consider changing the ‘+’ to something less ambiguous such as ‘Create new venue’, or adding some explanatory text when the ‘+’ is clicked.

    Stephen Harris
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