Cannot find booking form

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    I’ve created my event, but the booking form is not appearing.
    What if the procedure to follow.
    Thanks for the quick response.

    Shannon Walbran

    (For the benefit of other users)

    This issue was resolved through direct contact with the customer. Things to check if the booking form doesn’t appear automatically on the event page:

    1. That there are tickets currently “on sale” for the event. Event tickets can have a date range associated to them for when the tickets are available purchase. At least one ticket must be currently on sale for bookings to be accepted.
    2. That the tickets in question have a quantity 1 or above. It’s a common misunderstanding that “0” means “unlimited”, it doesn’t, it means 0.
    3. When selling tickets “by date” – where the customer selects the specific date they are booking for (e.g. as with theatre performances), that you’ve enabled a ticket for at least one showing. In these instances, when creating a ticket you can select which dates the ticket is on sale for. That is you may have an “early showing” ticket, at a discounted price, only available for the first performance of a show. There is “select all” toggle for convenience.

    In a future update there will be some sort of warning on the admin screen indicating if problems (2) & (3) are in effect as these are almost certainly by mistake, and not necessarily an obvious one.

    Stephen Harris
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