Cannot book when not logged in

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #21125

    Hi. I am trying to use wp-event-organiser, but it does not seem to work for users that are not logged in:
    Test site:
    When sending in, the user is not taken to a confirmation page even though I have set this.
    It works if I load the same page when I am logged in.

    I am using WP 4.4.1 Multisite with
    Event Organiser Versjon 3.0.0
    Event Organiser Booking Notification Settings Versjon 1.0.0
    Event Organiser Pro Versjon 1.11.4

    Any ideas?

    Per Soderlind

    Hi Per,

    What happens when a logged out user places a booking? Do you get a white screen? If so, do you have a caching plugin installed? Does the problem persist with it disabled?

    Stephen Harris

    I get a white screen. We use varnish and cache plugins, they’re network activated and cannot be disabled.
    I ran another test now, and it seems that there is http/https problem.
    Visiting the same site with https and you are able to book even though you are logged out.

    Per Soderlind

    Do the error logs give any indication as to what is causing the white screen?

    Stephen Harris

    This is a HAR of the send process

    Other than that, this is registered in console:

    Object {label: “Name”, label_fname: “First Name”, label_lname: “Last Name”, lname: true, required: true…}field_name: “name”id: “name”label: “Name”label_fname: “First Name”label_lname: “Last Name”lname: truelname_required: falsename: “Name”placeholder: “”position: 0required: truetype: “name”proto: Object
    Object {label: “Email”, placeholder: “”, type: “email”, field_name: “email”, required: true…}
    Object {use_select: false, simple_mode: 1, type: “ticketpicker”, required: 1, position: 2…}
    Object {type: “gateway”, required: 1, label: “Select a payment gateway”, position: 3, name: “Gateway picker”…}
    Object {type: “button”, required: 1, label: “Book”, position: 4, name: “Submit button”…}
    Object {field_id: “eo-booking-occurrence-id”, disabled: false, class: “”, value: “7”, id: “occurrence_id”…}
    Object {field_id: “eo-ticket-instances”, id: “ticket-instances”, type: “hidden”, name: “Hidden”}
    Object {value: 379, id: “event_id”, type: “hidden”, name: “Hidden”}
    Object {value: 379, id: “page_id”, type: “hidden”, name: “Hidden”}
    Object {field_name: “action”, value: “eventorganiser-submit-form”, id: “action”, type: “hidden”, name: “Hidden”}
    Object {field_name: “eventorganiser-form-id”, field_id: “eventorganiser-form-id-3”, value: “3”, id: “form_id”, type: “hidden”…}

    Per Soderlind

    Have you had a chance to look at this?

    Per Soderlind

    Hi Per,

    Yes I have. That all looks correct – I can’t see any error message. Does your apache error log have any messages which might relate to the white screen?

    Stephen Harris

    We tried to remove the following DOM-element, which is being put into the code by Event Organiser.
    <link rel=”stylesheet” id=”eventorganiser-jquery-ui-style-css” href=”″ type=”text/css” media=”all”>
    This made the booking go through.
    We will have to consider discontinuing this product if we cannot find a solution very soon.

    Per Soderlind

    Our developers have also found that the problem is caused by the plugin Event Organiser Pro.

    Per Soderlind

    Hi Per,

    I think the problem is that you’re caching http requests for the page the booking form is on. Under HTTPS here are the response headers:

    Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Date:Thu, 04 Feb 2016 20:16:05 GMT
    Link:<>; rel=""
    Link:<>; rel=shortlink

    and under HTTP:

    Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Date:Thu, 04 Feb 2016 20:11:03 GMT
    Link:<>; rel=shortlink
    Link:<>; rel=""
    Via:1.1 varnish
    X-Varnish:1117260972 1117260903

    So the form is submitted, but no data is processed because instead a cached copy of the booking form is served. This tallies with what you’ve previously said because you wouldn’t (hopefully) be caching pages for logged-in users which is why it works when the user is logged-in.

    You will need to exclude event pages (or any page with a booking form) from the cache.

    Incidentally while the booking form did’t process on http when logged-out, I didn’t get a ‘white screen’. So as far as I can tell there is no server-level error.

    Stephen Harris
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