Hi Stephen
We have had to cancel few events that are happening that already have a few free bookings.
When I delete an event though the users bookings stays, so when I replace it with a new event users that have the booking previously cant book that event ad have to cancel in my events.
My solution was to manually go into the bookings and delete them, I found though that the search box in the backend for bookings doesnt search the event name and there are no filters to narrow down the 3000+ bookings we have. I had to export the data and then search each ticket number and delete manually. Is this soemthing thats improved in 1.8+ ?
I feel there will be an upcoming issue as we have some events that need to change times with bookings attached. If we change the times and it clashes with another bookings time slot, how will this effect the users ?
We are using the no duplicate bookings script/plugin

Jody Brown
Hi Jody,
On the event column you can filter bookings by event (or event occurrence, if selling tickets ‘by date’). So you could find one booking for that event, and then filter the bookings. Similarly you can filter by bookee (non-anonymous bookings) and status. See this page for more details.
That said, I’d welcome any feedback on how the UI can be make managing bookings easier. One feature currently being considered which might useful for you, is a search for events, or to use the existing search, along with a “token” to indicate you are searching events (e.g. “e:My event” to search for the event “My event”, and perhaps “e:My event:2014-09-02” for the event “My event” on the 2nd September.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen
ahhh that makes sense was looking for some kind of filter (like what the events page has in backend which would be pretty cool if something like that was implemented maybe ?
That actually works really well though thanks.
The other part of my question.
- When I delete an event the users bookings still stay in the system, is this normal ? Can they still see this on their “my events page” ?
- How does as user get effected If I change the time of an event ? do the bookings remain ? and if they do what if they have another event booked at that time (using the user cant book same timeslots code)

Jody Brown
Ah, sorry Jody, I forgot to address the other parts of your post.
When you cancel a booking, it will remain in their bookings history, but it wil be indicated that the booking is cancelled. In the plug-in I built for you to prevent clashes, only non-cancelled bookings are considered with when detecting clashes. Cancelled bookings are also ignored when ticket availability is calculated.
If you wish you can permanently delete a cancelled booking. The booking is completely removed from the system.
How does as user get effected If I change the time of an event ? do the bookings remain ? and if they do what if they have another event booked at that time (using the user cant book same timeslots code)
In this case the booking is changed, and the user is effectively double booked. The original timeslot would also be available. It would be possible to check if the changes cause any collisions for attendees – but having to go through every date of an event, and every booking for that date, checking if users are double-booked by the changes could be an expensive operation, so you would want to ensure your servers have the capacity to deal with that. (It would then be a case of preventing/reverting the change, or alerting the user). Server capacity a side, the delay in processing the request could take up to minutes – but potentially you could spawn a new request, so that the (admin) user doesn’t have to wait for it to finish.
E-mailing bookees when a change is made might also be a possibility and/or alerting the user when they arrive at the site (logged-in).
Important: Parts of this thread refer to preventing users from double booking themselves. This is relates to freelance work peformed for the poster, and is not a feature included in Event Organiser Pro.

Stephen Harris