Can not install Event Organiser Pro

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Can not install Event Organiser Pro

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    I have just bought Event Organiser Pro and I have downloaded it to my computer. In the attached readme.txt file it says:

    Installation is standard and straight forward.

    1. Go to your ‘Plug-ins’ admin page, and go to ‘Add New’, ‘Upload’
    2. Select and click ‘install now’
    3. Activty the plug-in
    4. Proceed to ‘Event Organsier’ under your site’s Settings admin tab to set up the plug-in

    Therefor I have searched for the zip file, but there is none. There is a php-file called event-organiser-pro.php, but I can not install the plug-in with that one. How should I do to install Event Organiser Pro?

    Katrin Wallberg

    Hi Katrin,

    You should have received an e-mail with the download link to a zip file. If not, if you go to and view your purchase history, you should be able download the zip file.

    It seems to me that you may have downloaded the .zip file, and your computer has already opened it, as there is ‘event-organiser-pro.php’ file inside the zip.

    Stephen Harris
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