Can I translate the plugin without translating my WP admin?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Can I translate the plugin without translating my WP admin?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    I followed the guide to translate the plugin. Unfortunately the procedure also translated my entire WP-admin. I just want to translate the words visivle to the visitor like “Ticket”, “Price” and “Book” without translating my WP-admin. Is it possible to do that?

    Jakov Perica

    Hi Jakov,

    This isn’t plug-in specific (i.e. it’ll apply to the entire site!), but the following should work (but will probably only work in a plug-in not your theme’s functions.php:

    This keeps the locale as set in your wp-config.php for admin pages, and sets it to dutch on the front-end

    function jakov_set_locale_for_frontend( $locale ) {
       return is_admin()? $locale : 'nl_NL';
    add_filter('locale', 'jakov_set_locale_for_frontend');

    If you want different languages for different users (e.g. logged-in admins) I’d recommend this plug-in:

    Stephen Harris
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