I have a lot of computer illiterate folk that attend art workshops I offer (could be that they are artists and that is why they are computer illiterate?) 🙂
As a result, they would rather give me their CC info over the phone and have me enter their booking for them. Some want to pay by mailing me a check. Some want to pay by meeting me at lunch to pay cash. So far, I have not been offered livestock for payment but I won’t rule it out 🙂
As a result of this rather unusual fear or disdain of my patrons toward using a computer, I need to be able to enter bookings in the admin side. Am I missing something or is not not possible?

Don West
Hi Don,
At present this isn’t possible, this is largely due to the fact that the booking form is too closely linked to the “current user”. In particular, if the booking from were displayed on the admin page it would assume the booking were for the admin user. This is a fault in the design that needs addressing regardless.
Because booking forms can contain custom form fields added by the admin, as well as fields added by other plug-ins – it would potentially break those plug-ins or leave users without complete data to simply allow admins to select a date and tickets rather than complete the booking form as it would appear on the front-end. So there would be very little (if any) difference between entering a booking admin-side on a user’s behalf and simply placing a booking as a logged-out user for that person (save the faff of having to log out or open a new browser).
In short, this feature is lower down on the priority list, but I’m happy to reshuffle that should there be a reasonable demand for it.

Stephen Harris