Can admin change a bookee email?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 7 years, 11 months ago.

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    I’m using a basic implementation (people are not required to register an account to buy tickets).
    I’ve just received a note from a bookee saying that she entered the wrong email and hence hasn’t received the confirmation email.
    I can see her booking in the back end, but there doesn’t seem to be an option for me to update her email so that I can re-send the confirmation email.
    Is this possible?

    Dan Skinner

    Hi Dan,

    This isn’t possible, and (perhaps surprisingly) hasn’t been raised as an issue. If users have an account when making a booking (or have one created as part of the booking) then you could change the e-mail of the user account, but for bookings by logged-out users this isn’t possible. The only way would be to edit the appropriate record in the post meta table in the database.

    A UI for this will be looked at for the v1.11.0.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen.

    I has started looking at the database via phpmyadmin, but couldn’t see anything in the obviously ‘eo’ tables (eo_booking _tickets).

    I just had a look at post_meta but can’t see a list of emails in there. Am I in the right place or missing something?



    Dan Skinner

    Actually just found it via a search. Meta keys:

    Changing the values of those has worked, and allowed me to ‘resend tickets to bookee’.

    Dan Skinner

    Hi Stephen,

    Is there a way for administrators to correct ‘data errors’ in the bookee information now in a friendlier way then updating the database ?

    I have a person who made a typo in the email address and isn’t receiving any confirmation emails obviously …

    Would like this to be a change request if there is no such feature yet.


    Sharon McErlane

    Hi Sharon,

    If the user has an account on the site, then it can be changed via their user’s profile page. Otherwise, the only option is currently to edit the database directly.

    The ability to edit the details of the bookee will be in the next version.

    Stephen Harris

    Our bookees don’t have an account on the site.
    Can you please tell me how to update the field ?
    With what I read in this article , I can’t find the email address in the wpnn_eo_booking_ticketmeta table.


    Sharon McErlane

    Hi Sharon,

    The keys will be in the post meta table. The post ID column will correspond to the booking ID.

    Stephen Harris
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