Calender without scrolling

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    I have a Calender that displays the day, my events go from 7am till midnight.
    Is it possible to make the calender not have scroll bars for the entire day and it be all shown ?

    eg on my first day of events things start at night, so when they visit the calender for this day they see nothing until they scroll down, which confuses my users.

    I have set the mintime to 7 on the calender.

    Thanks Stephen
    (was going to email thought others might benefit from answer)

    Jody Brown

    Hi Jody,

    Unfortunately it’s not. However this post suggests a way in which it may be implemented. If that works then I’ll add a scrollbar option.

    Stephen Harris
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