Calendars not displaying any events

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Calendars not displaying any events

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sue 12 years ago.

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    I’ve just updated to 1.7.1 (superb!) but I have hit a glitch.

    No events are now displaying on the calendars, although there are events shown in the widget lists to the right e.g.

    This is the shortcode I had to display the calendar for each region (plus the ‘general’ club category on each):

    The calendar in the ‘back end’ is displaying perfectly though.



    Ah, I borked the shortcode in the previous post (oops).

    [eo_fullcalendar headerLeft='prev,next today' headerCenter='title' category='sydney,general']

    I tried single & double quotes around the categories and also changing case to read “Sydney,General” but nothing worked.

    I did put a calendar in the same page (as a test) with no categories and it worked. I tried just one category “sydney” but still nothing.


    Hi Sue,

    Yup, seems like this is this bug:

    There’s a fix/work-around posted there, and I’ll be updating shortly anyway. Thanks for reporting this!

    Stephen Harris

    Love your work! I whacked in “event_category” into the shortcode and I’m a happening thing. Thanks Stephen!

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