Calendar Wdiget not working

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Naomi 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #2820

    The link on the calendar widget date will not lead to the right page. It only brings up saying the page couldnt be found! I have no plugins activated at the moment that could possibly be interferring. Any thoughts as I love this plugin – it use to work a couple of weeks ago all fine now Im not sure why it has stoppped working.


    Hi Naomi –

    The page it links to should be a page of events that start on that day – though because of your ‘show past events’ options (a past event may be one that has finished, or has started, depending on your settings) – there may be no events to display (eg. when viewing ‘past’ days). Does that explain ‘no events found’?

    (If you’re getting your site’s 404 page then that’ll be an entirely different matter – feel free to post a link to your site!).

    Stephen Harris

    Will do when I have a moment Thanking You 😀


    Mmm must be a 404 issue?

    This is just a stripped down version as I deleted everything the other day and havent uploaded everything again …? Any thoughts? Ive got it working on my own hosting which is through a different company … Mind you it use to work on this hosting – I wonder if it has something to do with the rewrites I did for permalinks? Wish I knew more about this stuff!


    Hi Naomi – that link is working for me, as is

    Permalink settings could definitely explain it! They can be a bit of a nightmare at times. A great plug-in for debugging rewrite rules is

    Stephen Harris

    Oh my goodness – always the case hey! Now its working haha 🙁
    Looking forward to the paid version

    Thanks heaps though for checking it out for me hehe

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