Calendar Problem

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #10990

    Hey Stephen,
    Having some problems when i enter an event for a weekly occurance. The link above is what appears on my site.
    I tried making an event with a weekly Wed and Sun occurance and then aseperate event for Wed and a seperate event for Sun but the calendar result is always the same when viewed on the claendar. I want to set a weekly Wed and Sun event that runs until Nov 8th.

    It appears to have a continuity problem when adding the weekly events.

    Also, i am having a problem updating the Pro version. Should i just delete the older version from my WP and install the latest version? It says there is no automatic updates available and when i try to update it by uploading it through the .zip file it says the file already exists.

    Thanks for all of your help!!!

    Devon Reynolds

    Hi Devon,

    When you sent the “end date” (not the “until” date) – make sure you set it to the end date of the first occurrence. You can then repeat the event until the “until date”. It seems you’ve set the “end date” to be what the “until date” should be. Hope that makes sense :).

    With Pro you should still have the free version is installed and activated (it’s run on top of the base version). You can install the plug-in by uploading it via WordPress’ admin, but you can’t upgrade it like that. Instead you can use FTP, in which case you should unzip the folder and replace the existing folder with the new one.

    However, if your license ke is valid you should be able to update the plug-in from the dashboard. There can be instances where the license key says it’s invalid when it shouldn’t be. If that’s the case, feel free to get in touch with your key and I’ll investigate.

    Stephen Harris
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