Calendar Navigation buttons not rendering

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Calendar Navigation buttons not rendering

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #14017

    Hi there,

    First off, great plugin!

    I just have a couple of question:

    1) Is it possible to make the calendar display only 5 days? We have events for a certain period (12-16 March) so don’t need the before/after days shown..

    2) The prev/next buttons aren’t showing (and the day/week aren’t looking like buttons either), my tag is: [eo_fullcalendar defaultView=”basicWeek” year=”2015″ month=”3″ date=”15″ headerLeft=”title” headerCenter=”prev,next” headerRight=”category,venue,agendaDay,basicWeek”] Any ideas why it’s not showing? (it did originally from memory…)

    Regards, Briar


    Hi Briar,

    That should work – you may want to check if you have disabled the plug-in’s stylesheets (see Settings > Event Organiser > General). If you have the buttons will be rendered, but may not appear owing to the (lack of) styling being applied.

    If you want the styling disabled, you can set theme=false – and the mark-up of the calendar will change slightly. In particular, the previous / next buttons are replaced with textual links “<” and “>” respectively. This tends to render a bit better when styling isn’t enabled.

    Stephen Harris
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