calendar link in email

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    How do add a calendar/date of event link into my confirmation emails so my customers can chose to add it to their own calendar?
    I’m sure this is quite straight forward as a lot of other bookings sites have it I’m just not sure where to begin.


    Hi Aneet,

    This is a good question. I think you mean that some e-mails will come with an event “invite”, which prompts the user to add it to their calendar. In my e-mail client (Thunderbird), it asks me whether I’m attending, and adds it to my calendar if I am.

    This can be achieved buy attaching an iCal containing the details of the event.

    Unfortunately, attaching files on the fly to e-mails is not particularly easy, although it is still doable. I’ll be opening up a trac ticket to try an improve this, and a future update of Pro will do what I can to work around these issues.

    But anyway, I’ve posted a working solution here for you. Please note, that if you have a recurring event, it will add all dates of the event. If you are selling tickets by date and have recurring events, let me know and I’ll update the code snippet. Regardless I will in the near future release this as a free mini extension.

    The code snippet should live in a dedicated plug-in, but it can be copied and pasted into your theme’s functions.php (just remember you’ve done that when you change themes!).

    Stephen Harris
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