Cache plugin recommendation

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 1 month ago.

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    Do you recommend any caching plugins working fine with event organiser ?
    And if yes, do you have settings for them ?

    I tried with WP Super Cache, but it’s not working, for example, as I display the places left for an event, it does not update after a booking has been made.


    Nicolas Massart

    Hi Nicolas,

    Caching plug-ins are much alike, so there’s no specific recommendation I can given. However, as you’ve noted caching plug-in pages (or any page with events listed – unless you don’t mind seeing old events) is problematic.

    For the events page to keep looking up to date you would need to clear the page’s cache every time a booking is made/deleted/changes status, an event ticket is added/removed/changed or the event’s dates itself change. In short, the easiest thing to do is exclude the event page from caching (most cache plug-ins will allow you to exclude post types / specific pages).

    You might also consider fragment cache on pages where a full page cache is an appropriate.

    Stephen Harris
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